Monday, February 15, 2010

Bias- a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice: The mothers love for her son led her to be bias when his teacher told him he was very disruptive in class. I believe that making a truly unbiased decision is impossible. Out of the factors in the decisions we make one will always favor us more than the other and even if it’s barely anything it’s still bias at it’s core. I picked this picture of the U.S congress voting on something because to me congress is one if not the most bias group of people in the planet, where one side is republican and the other democratic the whole house is already designed for bias opinions to thrive

Objectivity- a thing aimed at or sought, a goal: Placing a college education as his main objectivity made it his priority his whole life.Objectivity is what leads to one receiving what he/she wants. When other people make the same thing you want their objective it can be a lot har
der to get what you want but when more people, thousands of people want the same so much that they join and work together to achieve their goal it becomes only a matter of time until they win,that’s why I chose the photo above. The students of Iran have made a free democratic county their objective so much that they organize to try and change the whole country.

Reciprocate- to
make a return, as for something given: My fat
her always told me its bad to reciprocate when someone hurts you, because causing someone pain is wrong no matter what they’ve done to you. I don’t believe that reciprocating is correct but I do believe it’s necessary when one is being oppressed or hurt to stand up and but an end to his or her mistreatment. This photo of two Mexican soldiers du
ring the Mexican revolution seems like a perfect example of reciprocating with a just cause. These people were tired of the injustices the Spanish government treated them with and a retaliating with a revolution
was the only way to achieve independence and escape harsh rule.

Empathy- the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing ofthe feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another: The empathy she felt when she saw him being bullied just as she was led her to help him and become his friend. Empathy is perhaps one of the most sincere emotions humans are capable of. The sight of a fellow human going through the same situations one has gone through, sparks a sense of comrade ship between the two individuals, often leading to the one with the most experience helping the other get through the hardship. I chose this photo because from my own experiences with war veterans, the empathy they share between them is strong enough that a soldier from fifty years ago can still feel empathy with a modern day soldier as much as he can with someone who fought next to him so long ago.

Deduct- To derive by deduction; deduce: One must deduct five from eight to be left with the number three.The oppression of anyone deducts not only from the humanity of that person or group, but from the whole society and ultimately the entire human race. I chose this picture because it’s a perfect example of the harsh oppression some endure and the punishments that come with it for simply trying to live like any human should.

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