Monday, February 1, 2010

“Yes ma’am thank you” That was his third cup of joe that morning. His name is Charles, he’s thirty-five years old and he’s late. You see he’s hit some hard times and its not easy to get by when you gotta feed four mouths and those damn kids on fourth street think they’re, they’re all hard, they always trying to jack something, think they’re “gangsta” they go around with their pants down to their ankles and those cheap ass chains, looks like their mama spray painted the damn thing and gave it to them for their birth day or something. Any way he had to “work” late last night him and Jerald (his buddy) made a quick trip to that little restaurant in Bowery. Easiest gig they had in weeks. Got outta there with three big bags full of rich folk stuff.

They never get caught, too much murder and rape for the pigs to bother themselves with two guys from Brooklyn just trying to survive. Just surviving aint enough anymore. They’re sick of it, they're sick of waking up to shoots every night. They're sick of having to watch their backs when they walk to the corner. They're sick it and they're sick of it all. After tonight Jerald and Charles should have enough money to move to some real nice place and live out the rest of their days with their families, free from all worries. Two weeks ago our two friends here were eating lunch, I don’t remember where but that don’t matter. They was eating whatever they was eating and noticed one of those big armored trucks that bring money to banks, they noticed there was only two pigs watching the truck and they noticed the truck has a lot, a lot of cash, enough cash to set them both straight for life.

Tonight is the night and Charles is late, if its gonna work he's got ten minutes to make it there. This is how its gonna go down. Charles borrowed a couple of guns from this guys he know. Jerald supposed to set up a spike somewhere on the trucks rout, when a car hits the spike the tires will pop and there's gonna be a pileup, now the bank cant be getting its money late so the truck is gonna go under the bridge and our two friends is gonna be there waiting to set up another pileup only this time the armored truck is getting its tires popped. The other cars is gonna crash into the armored truck and there's gonna be a big ass party with everyone trying to save themselves that no one is gonna notice to guys walking up to the truck and popping two rounds into the guards heads. Then they gonna go a head and take all they want, put it in their car and drive away. So you think people will see them taking the cash? And so what? Whose gonna try to go up and tell them to stop? And whose car is ok to go after them? aint no one gonna do nothing and they cant identify them later cuz Charles and Jerald is gonna wear a mask. All that is only gonna work if Charles make it there on time. He's got twenty minutes to make it from Brooklyn to Manhattan and he's about to miss the first subway.


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